My fourth, and longest, training flight in the Cherokee Six was yesterday. Hopping around in the flooded areas to the south of our home base at MWA, we hopped through five airports and stopped for lunch.
Gimp Does Not Equal Photoshop
I’ve written about this in the past on other web sites. The argument that Linux and it’s vast array of “alternative” software is somehow equal to Windows or Mac for productivity is ridiculous.
You’re Never Done Learning
A pilot certificate is often referred to as a “License to Learn.” This could not be more true. My newest target is the Cherokee Six. Here I explore the world of the constant-speed prop.
How to Buy a Laptop Computer
So you’ve decided that a new laptop computer is what you want, great, now what do you do next? How can you make sure that you get the right laptop for you and not the one on special this week?…